Ambassador Caroline Kennedy Visits Earthquake-stricken Kumamoto

April 30 - Ambassador Caroline Kennedy traveled to Kumamoto City to encourage local officials and local residents in their recovery efforts following the Kumamoto earthquake. She traveled to Camp Kengun with Lt Gen Dolan, Commander, USFJ and Lt Gen Nicholson, Commanding General, III MEF where they met with the Western Army and received a briefing on lessons learned from the outstanding U.S.-Japan cooperation during the disaster relief operations.

"Today I witnessed first hand the coordinated efforts of civilian and military officials as they continue to respond to the needs of the people affected by the earthquake. I was inspired by the tireless efforts of General Ogawa, Governor Kabashima and Mayor Onishi and the strong desire of local residents to rebuild Kumamoto stronger and better than ever. The people of Kumamoto continue to be in our thoughts and I look forward to traveling to the region again." said Ambassador Kennedy.