

連邦年金課は完全予約制です。ご予約やご質問は下記のフォームをご利用ください。「予約」をご希望のお客様には後日、年金課の担当者より折り返し予約日時についてご案内をさせていただきます。送信前に 入力した連絡先情報が間違いがないかどうか必ずご確認ください。


  • 被保険者の情報(米国で就労されていた方)


  • 申請者の情報 (オプション)



  • 連絡先


  • 住所

  • お問い合わせ理由を記載ください

  • The information you provide is used solely by the Federal Benefits Unit. In order to process certain types of requests, we may have to ask for your Social Security Number (SSN), your date of birth, your banking information and other information, please follow instructions on the Frequently Asked Questions for required information. You may decline to provide such information, but that could inhibit our ability to answer your questions or assist you with your request. Any information provided on our web form is not retained and is used only in order to process your current request or answer your current questions. The Federal Benefits Unit works in accordance with SSA procedures as well as the Paperwork Reduction Act (44 U.S.C. 3501 et seq.) and the Privacy Act of 1974. You can read our full privacy statement at www.socialsecurity.gov.